Amos: God's Roar for Justice
Amos: God's Roar for Justice
We are all born with a longing for justice. Few things make us angrier than the feeling that we’ve been treated unfairly or that someone has gotten away with mistreating us. When faced with something that feels unjust, we wonder: where is God in all this? The book of Amos answers that question. God sees the evil in the world more clearly than even we do. For a time, he mercifully restrains his righteous anger. But, justice will not wait forever.
The book of Amos warns us to be just as God is just or face the consequences. Yet it also points us forward to the hope that those who seek the Lord will enjoy abundant life with him forever, justified by Christ's death on the cross for our sins.
This is a digital-only copy of a workbook for a 7-week Bible study on the book of Amos. Audio for the study can be accessed for free via the GBC Women podcast. This study can be completed with a small group or on your own. Your purchase includes a license to print one copy of the workbook for personal use. Contact me for discounted pricing for large groups.