Don't Waste Your Waiting

Most of us spend a good amount of time in our lives waiting for something. I don’t just mean waiting for the dryer to finish, or for the light to turn green. I mean waiting on big things: exciting and sometimes important things that you pray God will do in your life.

Maybe you’re waiting to get married, to find a better job, or to buy your own home. You could be waiting for a baby, or for your toddler to be potty trained, or for your kids to remember to put their dirty clothes in the hamper forgoodnesssakes. You could be waiting for a restored relationship, a new friendship, or for bodily healing.

Whatever you’re waiting for: don’t waste the waiting. God wants to work in your heart and make you more like him right now. There are plenty of ways God can use you to impact those around you for eternity today.  Don’t ignore opportunities for growth and service that God is putting before you now, just because you’re waiting for him to do something else.

Colossians 3:16-17 says:

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

As we wait on God to act in a myriad of ways in our lives, let’s choose for today, to allow Christ to dwell in us richly. Let’s wisely teach and encourage one another. Let’s sing praises to God with gratitude. Let’s serve others with joy and humility. Let’s do everything, including waiting, gratefully, growing in our love for Christ.

A Prayer for the Wait

Precious Father, as we wait on you to act, please give us strength and wisdom to see what you have for us to learn and do today. Open our eyes to opportunities to encourage one another in Christlikeness. Help us serve others with humble love, without frustrations or selfishness. We believe, but we need your help with our unbelief. Allow us to trust your timing, even when the waiting seems long and aimless. Give us grateful hearts that love to praise you. Amen. 


How has God used times of waiting to shape you into the person you are today?